Personal training at Crossfit Innovation is an effective way to transform your body and get long-lasting results in a 1-on-1 environment. Your trainer will build you a program just for you and hold you accountable every step of the way by pushing you further than you could on your own.

For some, PT may be a customised program to nail that first muscle-up or work on weaknesses in your game to get ready for your next competition. For others, it’s a more comfortable way to gain technique, strength, conditioning and ultimately confidence before entering the busier CrossFit group classes. For others, it could be a rehab program coordinated with a Physio, Osteo, Exercise Physiologist or another health professional. Whatever your reason for choosing PT, your trainer will be focused on helping you reach your goals, one-on-one, and with more flexibility to work around your schedule.

Please note you do not need to be a CrossFitter in class at CrossFit Innovation to use our PT services. We have many clients who start PT and like it so much they stay in PT.


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    24 Innovation Way, Pakenham, Vic 3810

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